Monday, October 28, 2013

You Should Probably Edit That ...

Before: Vonnegut shows us through the symbolism of handicaps individuality is one of the most treasured qualities an "equal" person can posses. Being an individual means taking off the handicaps our community oppresses upon us. And embracing everything that we are. People desperately try to fit in and be equal. The truth is we will never be exactly alike with appearance or titles, but as equal people we are to treat one another with the same amount of respect and reverence.

After: Vonnegut shows us through the symbolism of handicaps individuality is one of the most treasured qualities an "equal" person posses. An individual takes off the handicaps our community oppresses upon us, and embraces every aspect which makes us who we are. The truth is, we will never be exactly alike with appearance or titles as our "perfect" coworker or "flawless" friend. However, we are all neighbors in this one world we share.  Vonnegut tells us everyone lives with flaws and blemishes, but equality comes when we detach ourselves from our pride and admire our own faults.

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