Monday, October 7, 2013

Hamlet is he the One?

My first impression of Hamlet was, he is a good son. He love his father so much, and when he hears news about his father's ghost he immediately wants to see him and talk to him. He is such a good son! He wants to see his dad, and make an effort to talk to him. Hamlet responds to his uncle and mother I feel like in a distant way. He respects his uncle and wants to look after his mother, but I feel like he can't love them as much as he would hope. "I shall in all my best obey you, madam." (Shakespeare 1-120) I see Hamlet distant from his mother since she remarried, as if he only wants to but on a show for her. To me Hamlet misses his father so much that he doesn't want to be involved with his uncle and mother, he wants his father. Selfish and childish in a way, but still Hamlet is another person trying to find their path in their mind on their own. On another note, I also think that Hamlet is an excellent prince and would make a fantastic king someday. From seeing his loyalty to his family and his people I believe that he would lead with justice. I can see him looking for the best solution to satisfy all parties. I imagine him as a king that is fair, and would do anything to make the right be his highest priority. Hamlet in my mind would give his people the best king they have ever seen.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting post Claire! I would have to agree with you that Hamlet is a good son. You have made this very clear with your implementation of quotes and textual support. This blog post has shown to me that you are a very talented writer. A few tips and suggestions I have for you is to make sure to reread every line and word in your posts. In this post, you just have a few sentences that do not make sense. You wrote in one line, “Hamlet responds to his uncle and mother I feel in a distant way.” If you were to reread this line, you would rewrite it to make sense and have the best blog post ever. With the help of rereading and your natural talent, you have the potential to write a masterpiece. Overall, you have written a very nice post that clearly points out your impressions of Hamlet with the help of quotes and textual support. I advise you to recheck your blog post to look for mistakes and smile back at your beautiful writing.
