Monday, March 24, 2014

"It's A Love Story"

Oh my Gogol!! He has found love!! A happy, loving, and caring relationship in which he is head over heels in love with this girl. No offense to Ruth or Maxine, but Gogol did not have a healthy relationship with either of them. Ruth, left for England and they just never really were good for each other, such as when they do see each other again they just start fighting. And then Maxine, woah she sure is a handful. I never really thought that she was the nicest and most caring girlfriend of Gogol's so I was kinda glad when they broke up.

Moushumi, she is the best person for Gogol ever. I just love how even though both of them from early on in their lives decided to break away from whatever their parents wanted, such as who their parents picked for them to marry. But since they knew each other from before in their lives there is a sense of their own past within the other, a different perspective of what they could have been like, how they were seen, etc. She is only known as a book reader to him from before, but as he sees her, "He had not expected to enjoy himself, to be attracted to her in the least." (Lahiri 199) He is so unexpectedly pleased by her company and ability to relate to him. He loves how she is natural, how he can get to know her for what she ism her story her struggle, and love every detail about her. "He wonders what is might be like to kiss her on the mouth." (Lahiri 205) He wants her, to love her, and it doesn't matter that their mom's set them up or that she is of course Indian.


  1. Hi Claire! I totally agree with you about Gogol and Maxine. Maxine was really pushy and protective from the start. However I was not rooting for Gogol and Moushumi just because I wanted Gogol to make his own life for himself instead of being set up with someone by your mom (lame...). I think its interesting, like you brought up, that Moushumi is Indian. It seems like he has come full circle on the whole avoiding fellow Indians thing. I am exited to see how this love pans out. Great post!

  2. Hey, Claire,
    I agree with your commentary on Gogol's relationships so far. His first two were rough and I agree that it seemed like he was not allowed to do what he chose or act on his own thoughts. We hardly ever hear conversations between Gogol and Maxine and I can only assume it consists of Maxine bossing Gogol around. I think that the situation with Moushumi is actually a happy medium for Gogol's true feelings. You mentioned how Moushumi also had broken away from her Indian lifestyle; this makes Gogol think that he is dating someone new and different, yet he has the comfort of the culture that he grew up with. Oh how I hope this one actually works out for Gogol, he is having too many rough relationships to not have one that ends well.

  3. hey claire! I agree with what you said about Maxine and Gogol having an unhealthy relationship, but I believe he needed to have someone pushy and completely different from how he was raised to know that he would be perfect with someone who can relate to him, like Moushumi. I was a bit nervous when Gogol met Moushumi at the restaurant, because Gogol was so against going out with someone who his mother insisted on dating. My favorite thing about them as a couple is how Gogol loves Moushumi's natural and makeup-free face. Go Gogol!
