Monday, February 10, 2014

Notes From Underground Part 1 ... The Rant Begins

Well recently I have read Part 1 of Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground, and so far I have been so frustrated with this Underground Man. First, I really liked how he was saying that men should be individuals. Yes, men be independent work your stuff, go into the world be men, be your own man. I thought that was great words of wisdom from the 40 year old.

However, I thought that he was crazy. No joke, I was pretty sure he was drunk, hungover, or somewhat mental ill. He was rambling on and on about being angry, upset, or spiteful. The man could get enough spite, but he actually kept saying how actually doesn't, sadly. I was getting angry, because he kept changing his mind all the time, like how girls change their clothes, because you know he's hot and he's cold, never mind. Anyway, seriously the man could not keep his story straight. Before, he repeatedly stated that Mother Nature is to blame, because she gives us all our "natural" flaws. Ok, so you don't like who you are get over it and get a make over or something. But, of course he says that no man should or can't ever change who he is, ever. Wow, excuses, excuses. The whole time it was like listening to a broken hearted teenage girl, with drama all over, and frankly I was done listening to his sad life story. In the end, I'm curious to how this Underground Man will turn out, will he finally get a life, or just join some nursing home and play some bingo with people his own age. Onto Part 2 !!


  1. Claire! Your post was fantastic!! I lol-ed so much! I love the way you are able to weave insightful comments into informal language. I enjoyed your post and the way you started with how you agree with him then went on to talk about the ways he is crazy. When I was reading Part one I also though he didn't have all his marbles. I cannot agree with you more when you say you are frustrated by this book and the Underground Man. For future posts, it would be nice to see some textual evidence. That would totally solidify your post and make it more meaningful. Great post!!

  2. Hey Claire!
    Oh my gosh! I totally agree with you! I think he's a bit crazy too and he's totally confused. Your blog post pretty much sums up what most of us were thinking. It was very profound and I like how you showed both sides of his character. Also, I one hundred percent agree with your statement that he is consistently inconsistent with his opinions. Great Job overall and I can't wait to read more of your blog posts!!!

  3. Hi Claire! Your post was so amazing! and also quite funny:). I totally agree with everything you say. It seems that he is a bit crazy and truly just confused with himself and what he wants in life. I also agree when you say he is always making excuses about how man cannot change who they are. People can change I just don't think that the underground man wants to. Throughout the book he will say stuff like "i take pride in my overly consciousnesses" so obviously he likes to take pleasure in his pain.

  4. Claire, I really like your view on the man and how straight up you are with your criticism of the underground man. I completely agree with you that the underground man has something fundamentally wrong with him. He is just kinda crazy. Also I think you bring up a great point when you talk about how he doesn't even blame himself for his downfalls he blames outside forces and I think that is a really important point to make. I love reading your ideas!
